Workshops in Spain

Navigating Through the Teenage Years – When Support Becomes Essential

The teenage years are exciting, marked by the unfolding of one's own personality, but also by many insecurities. In these formative years, young people begin to understand who they are and who they want to become. This phase calls for guidance and empathetic support, perhaps more than any other span of life.

We, Guille Villena, a dedicated teacher from Barcelona, and Kristin Eberl, founder of Openmind, have joined forces to stand by young people on this personal journey of self-discovery. We are both trained coaches and have been working in the education sector with teenagers for 20 years.

Our Approach: Personal Workshops in Small Groups

We offer specially designed workshops that help teenagers get to know themselves better – their values, their goals, and how they want to effectively shape their lives and society. To ensure more personal care, we limit the group size to a maximum of 15 participants.

The workshops take place twice a year on a Sunday, once in Seville and once in Barcelona. During the weekend, participants also have the opportunity to explore exciting cities.

Our goal is to provide the youth with tools to cope with the challenges of this life-changing phase and emerge from it strengthened.

We place great importance on creating a "safe space," meaning an environment where participants can freely exchange ideas and listen to each other.

We look forward to being part of their journey!
A Compass for the Future: Our Workshop Topics
Values, Strengths, and Goals: We help participants define their personal values, strengths, and goals and show them how to pursue them.
Career Future:  We address fears and uncertainties related to career orientation and develop strategies to overcome them.
Inner Critic: By the "inner critic," we refer to the critical inner voice that accompanies every person. It is present in our thoughts, often judges us negatively, criticizes us, or expresses doubts about our abilities and actions.
Especially among young people, this voice is a crucial factor that can block their development and undermine their self-confidence.
We sharpen the awareness of these internal critical voices and offer tools to counteract them.
Self-Confidence: Through targeted exercises and reflections, we promote the self-confidence of adolescents.


Intercultural Exchange Spain:

+34 669 974 377
Monday to Friday 10h - 18h

Avenida de la Pineda, 2 - 08860 Castelldefels, Spain

About Openmind

The specialists of Openmind put a great deal of passion into organising intercultural exchange programs within and outside of Spain. We guarantee you an unforgettable stay – no matter whether you stay for a few months or for a whole school year.

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